Archive | March, 2020

COVID-19 Update

28 Mar

Just wanted to give you a quick update of the state of our office and dentistry in general for the next week or so. Please stay healthy and rest assured we will do our part to help stop the spread of coronavirus. Thanks for watching! Dr. Joe


13 Mar

See the source image

We wanted to share some important COVID19 updates and proactive steps Steel Valley Smiles is implementing in order to mitigate it’s potential spread. Our primary concern is the health of our patients and staff. We will continue to monitor updates from the Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organization.

We will be open during our normal business hours: Monday 11am-7pm, Tuesday-Thursday 8am-4:30 pm

You can be assured we are using every precaution necessary to ensure the health and safety of all of our patients including but not limited to: proper infection control techniques of all instruments and surfaces, hand sanitizer in waiting area and all operatories, washing of hands for at least 20 seconds, and refraining from hand shaking.
We will also follow all governmental directives about closing our office to help stop the spread of the outbreak and have implemented a strict “no work” policy for employees who show symptoms of COVID19.

We ask that you follow all measures illustrated on the graphic.

Most importantly, please stay away from the office if you are experiencing ANY cold or flu-like symptoms. We will not attempt to differentiate between coronavirus, influenza or other upper respiratory infections ourselves.

We sincerely appreciate your patience during this challenging time. Thanks in advance for postponing your appointment if you are feeling ill or have traveled to certain regions, or have been in close contact with anyone who fits those criteria. Thank you! Dr. D’Alesio