Archive | April, 2020

Quick update #3: Hygiene!

26 Apr

We are in the process of figuring out how we are going to address reappointing hygiene patients. We have been closed for approximately 32 clinical days. It definitely is not going to be easy but we are going to do our best. Our plan is to try to get everybody in and out as safely as we can. Safety is the number one priority. My next post will address the measures everyone at Steel Valley Smiles is taking to ensure your health. thank you to all of our wonderful patients!

Getting Stronger!..Quick hello and update.

4 Apr

As the days go by so do the recommendations that were given to us in the weeks prior. Just wanted to give a quick update on what we’re doing here at the office during these interesting times. As of now, we are treating dental emergencies only. This ADA mandate is in effect until April 30. This is obviously subject to change. I will keep you as up-to-date as I am. Stay safe, keep social distance, and  always look on the bright side of life:) ! Dr. Joe